Advanced Materials for Transportation Technology Collaboration Programme


The AMT TCP endeavors to develop and provide materials technologies necessary for improving the fuel economy of current legacy vehicles while expanding to develop materials technologies for EVs, which aids in electrifying land transport. AMT organizes a multi-national collaborative network to:
1) Pioneer new concepts on low-friction surface technology, critical assessment of thermoelectric materials and standards development, and developing guides for dissimilar-materials joint design, selection and performance;
2) Promote technical information exchange and cross-training among member countries; and
3) Create an experts’ network to leverage resources among member countries and enable individual participants to initiate and/or accelerate their technology development, which would be difficult without the network. This directly coincides with CERT and EUWP strategies.

exco leadership

The work of the AMT TCP is governed by the Executive Committee (“ExCo”), which consists of one member designated by each Contracting Party. Contracting Parties are either governments of IEA countries or parties designated by their respective governments. The AMT TCP ExCo meets twice a year to discuss and plan the working programme. The guiding documents of the AMT TCP can be found on the following links: Link to report | Link to summary.

Executive Committee Members

Jerry Gibbs, U.S. Department of Energy  
Vice Chair – Americas:
Kumar Sadayappan, Natural Resources Canada  
Vice Chair – Asia: 
Shengqiang Bai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics 
Vice Chair – Europe: 
Carsten Gachot, Vienna University of Technology 
Secretary (vacant): 
Thomas Perrot, Energetics, contractor to the U.S. Department of Energy (acting)